Tuesday, December 2, 2008

No "Currents?" No Wonder

Two things: one - for some reason while I was putting a title on this, it decided I was trying to hit publish. Sorry if you got an incomplete post. And two: I just sent this letter to the Inquirer, but felt it fit here. It's certainly a peeve!

The fact that "Currents" section was left out of the paper on the Sunday after Thanksgiving "due to the holiday" just proves that the Philadelphia Inquirer has lost its focus. This used to be a real newspaper - but now the Inquirer proudly touts itself as a coupon holder. What is a newspaper without an editorial section, anyway? Just more junk for the recycling bin. I'm going to try and find a paper with actual content to subscribe to - if anyone actually publishes such a thing anymore. Or maybe I'll just read The New York Times online.

That's it - 'm out.